Our Services
Each resident is as important and individual to us as a loved one is to their family
Here at Rosegarland Residential Home we support our service users with a varied range of needs.
Dietary requirements: each of our service users has a dietary notification accompanied by a person centred nutrition care plan. We ensure that all staff know about likes/dislikes, allergies or any possible interactions with medications etc. We have daily menus and alternatives are always available. We can offer support with eating and drinking both verbally and physically. Specialist diets can be catered for and we have a fantastic working relationship with the Speech & Language and Dietician teams.
Mobility: the team here at Rosegarland Residential Home are all trained in Moving & Handling techniques, the staff actively encourage movement and work alongside physio teams from local hospitals when supporting service users who are rehabilitating. Activity to support movement is encouraged including armchair exercises and movement to music. We assess need on an individual basis, care plans and risk assessments are completed. Falls prevention equipment can be used if appropriate.
Personal care needs: the staff can support a varying degree of need, from verbal prompts and reminders to high level dependency needs. The home supports our service users with individual person- centred care plans and risk assessments. All personal care and hygiene needs are performed by staff adhering to the highest codes of dignity and privacy. The home provides toileties, hairdressing and chiropody services these are inclusive in the payment. Dental referrals are made if required.
Healthcare: the home has well established working partnerships with local GPs, District Nurses, the Community Matron and Pharmacist. The home is rated good for responsive, effective and caring. Medication is administered safely. The home is happy to support service users to attend out-patient appointments at local hospitals. Long term conditions are effectively managed, service users are actively encouraged to remain involved in all decisions made around their care and treatment, families are kept informed as per consent.
Activity: the service users who live at Rosegarland are enabled to live freely, choice is offered daily around activity.
Strong community links have been established. Several projects have been completed with the local primary school. Talks are in place to establish regular reading support groups, where our service users who wish to can support the younger children with reading skills.
Recent bids secured community projects with the home working alongside local groups who have secured new equipment for the garden and are visiting the home teaching service users how to use technology, great fun has had been had learning how to video call and watching old artists via you tube.
Family links are strong and encouraged, visiting is not restricted in any way and families are welcome to visit anytime they like. We celebrate good news and birthdays and often have drives to raises funds. Monies raised are used to provide entertainment.
Please note service users have the right to refuse visitors if they wish.
Service users may if they wish attend local day centres, ministers of several religious denominations visit the home and support those who wish to observe their religious beliefs. If they wish to attend church on a regular basis it is advisable that they arrange with family or friends to accompany them if possible.